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The Reflections of an Afrikan


The Reflections of an Afrikan

When I am not actively writing, I find myself actively reflecting on various things, especially my home called Afrika. It hurts to see her look so helpless in the midst of much ancient wisdom and knowledge; broken in the very face of strength; poor in the midst of plenty and so on and so forth.

Every time I reflect on the Afrikan narrative, I get upset knowing that the very solution to the problems of Afrika is within her. Not outside of her. But because most Afrikans, even those in government have been programmed to see what belongs to Afrika as inferior, everything foreign seems to have more priority than that which is local (except when it come to stealing local money)… nothing much is being done to retell the Afrikan narrative. But we keep forgetting that the foreign goods or services that have so powerfully caught our attention and become our priority are local in their place of origin. Meaning that if they didn’t put effort in making their locality worth an international stake – they would remain local.

The world system, from the days of the colonialists created an Afrika that is tourism based, but which Africans themselves don’t use. Afrikans prefer to go to expensive Dubai’s fake sandy beaches. The white man comes to Afrika to see nature and wildlife and thus creates this narrative online that Afrika is all about nature, wildlife and communities that need and depend on charity etc. The Afrikans themselves see the outside world as the greener pasture where their fanciful dreams will come to pass. So the Afrikan doesn’t take a stand to develop and change his own home, while the foreigners don’t give accurate representation of Afrika, outside of it being a tourist center, a place to bring third class products, while calling it local empowerment, and as usual alms begging villages. It keeps the narrative of a downtrodden Afrika going on, which in a way gives constant fake news to the fake and elite-controlled media houses.

We must return to critical thinking, mindfulness, love, brotherhood and the very act of Ubuntu, in order to break free from the matrix created to subject the Afrikan people to a loop of servitude.

The demon called corruption

We may have seen corruption only from the space of money laundering. But we know that’s not all there is about corruption. Corruption is death, it’s ill-health, lifelessness, an end, futility, lovelessness, and a direct fruit of sowing to the flesh or fleshly desires. Flesh is evil desire.

Corruption is the direct opposite of love. Love is life, love is God, corruption is death and it’s the god of this world who trades in the souls of men. Corruption is an industry, an economic sector that other industries are lost in. It’s like the World Wide Web. It’s a web that holds many parts together. You can fight it all you want and try to pray it away until you are blue in the face. And you can even arrest every corrupt government official or private officer and even execute them but it won’t stop. For until you begin to deal with the evil desires in the hearts of men and their pursuit of the ever elusive happiness (which in my opinion is not happiness in the real sense, but a sense of transient emotional fulfillment which has nothing to do with eternity) then we can’t begin to talk about the removal of corruption in Afrika.

True happiness comes from the realignment to the true purpose of God for a man, which then creates a platform for creativity. For to create is to give life, not to create is not to give life. So, for Afrika to rise to her true potential, she must first understand what she is to rise into, understand her fall from the original plan, and see clearly – without biases – the difference between where she is to rise to and the place where she has fallen into. For until a man begins to see the future or what is higher, where he presently is will become for him a bed or comfort even if it’s a bed of thorns.

Let me conclude with this.

Afrika is not a land of fools or primitive tree climbing monkeys. She is not a third world continent and she is not depleted. She is not a collection of nations where some selfish, arrogant and over-pampered leaders say they are building legacies which are nothing but business investments for their own unborn grandchildren. Afrika is the womb of God carrying divine realities for God and a continent whose destiny is the foundation of the emancipation of the entire earth. Afrikans themselves just have to see and deliberately make the moves for change.

The Afrika that is ready for change must change the way she looks at her economic growth at the very least. I do not believe economic growth should be measured by the faulted GDP narrative passed down by the same people who want us in cages. True economic growth should be measured in real time with answers to simple questions that affect our people.

Questions like:

What really is the health effect of the products that foreign investors bring into Afrika?

What really is the health effect of the vaccines we have so much praised because Bill Gates foundation says it’s ok?

See Also

What are the long term effects of the various projects foreign governments put up in Afrika?

Should we not measure growth by how cordial the relationship is between the government and the governed?

For even the family of, let’s say the president of an Afrikan country, cannot measure their growth and maturity by how much money they have in their family account, but rather by how much love and oneness is shared within. Every nation is supposed to live like a huge family unit. Or can we really call imposition of unfriendly government policies on the masses, growth?

What really is the sense when Afrikan governments tell their people to stop eating processed food, because it’s causing cancer, while they the governments are the same ones who licensed the multinational grocery shops and fast food joints where the processed foods are sold? Simply because they make money from licenses and taxes and then call it economic growth. Should true economic growth not be that you put a stop to those processed foods completely, heal your land from the poisons dumped into it by chemical fertilizers and then begin to grow food with healthy farming practices? And by that create a healthy nation that can be self sustaining instead of debt accruing?

Will you define economic growth as when the people in government fall sick, they go to foreign hospitals for medical treatment, because they have government money to pay for it, while the citizens themselves who have been pushed to the wall due to heavy taxation die like chickens because the local health care really is not health care but death scares? Should such a government in Afrika be proud to say its economy is growing?

I am not an economist, but I don’t need to be one to see and understand in real time what is going on with our supposed growing economy. Take Kenya for example, how can you say her economy is growing because some statistics say it is, when for each billion the government makes from taxes, a large number of businesses close down, workers are being laid off left, right and centre? We cannot continue to live like we are blind to the things we are doing to drain Afrika of life. And we cannot continue to close our eyes to the true reality of things on ground. If the street and the common man walking on it doesn’t reflect the supposed growth we talk about on the news or internet, then it means we are being lied to or maybe someone just enjoys saving face for the media while the truth is not been spoken about.

We must rethink the Afrikan narrative and the time is now.

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