Mr. Afrikan: Do You Know You Matter?

Samuel Phillips is a writer, graphic designer, photographer, songwriter, singer…
Black lives do not just matter,
Samuel Phillips
the Black Life is the matter.

It’s almost as if when words, concepts, thoughts are used all the time, they tend to lose the original meaning and weight that they actually are supposed to carry. The words, Black Lives Matter have become such words or such an ideology that has been flogged so much, for many years that it’s now looking so clichéd, with many not even trying to understand the reality behind why the lives of Blacks matter. For when you intend to really look at the concept of Black Lives Matter from a non-biased perspective, the first question will be, what does it mean to be Black? Secondly, what is the definition of Life? And thirdly, to who does the Life of the Black man matter? We need to sit down and understand these questions and just maybe we will find answers to them, which will in turn create a vision that can back the concept of Black Lives Matter. Until then, we will just be a people of color looking for our voices to be heard in the very place where we have never shown by our own attitudes towards the black ideology that Black Lives really matter. I have tried over time in other issues of this magazine to explain what it means to live simple, so from that definition, I will speak about this issue of Black Lives matter.
Black lives from the eyes of simplicity
I have previously defined simplicity as the ability to live within the original beauty and creative essence of yourself, whether you have money or not. It is the ability to create what you need with the very resources that you have. Simple!
I watch the news and see the global protests that are going on concerning the discrimination and racist attitude of the world to the Afrikan man. I commend the fact that many are giving their voices to the cause, and in that sense, I commend even the other races that are joining the Black protest. It’s a huge push forward. But like I have already said, in order for us to truly make any sense out of these events that have come our way, we must be able to answer the question of what it means to be Black. What is the defintion of Life? And then, to who does the Life of the Black man matter?
What does it mean to be Black?
Without using too many words or scientific jargon, to be Black simply means to be an original creator and a true defender of life. How do I know this? All things created under this sun by God have purposes attached to them and which purposes I also believe were ingrained in their genetic make-up. Of the Black man, he is the beginning of humanity on earth and without mincing words he is the face of life and the sustenance of life. Did you know it is only the black woman who has the genetic ability to give birth to every race and color in the world? It is called the Eve Gene and it traces back to an Afrikan female said to have been on earth more than 200,000 years ago. She is the mother of all races and colors on the earth. She is both modern and ancient.
So if every black man or woman out there can understand this reality from a spiritual, mental, physical standpoint, then the narrative of a backward Black race will die an instant death. For each will now understand and begin to deliberately live, create, birth, innovate, speak, lead from the place of life giving, originality, wholeness, black-pride etc and not from that place of oppression and victimism. The reality is that, no man holds our rights in their hands. The rights of the black man are in the hands of the black man. He just needs to know that that right is not about him being able to speak on the streets of America or elsewhere, but that he in his mind is clear about his original purpose and by that knowledge shakes off the misinterpretations that he had been labeled with for many years.
What is the definition of Life?
To the ancient Afrikans, life is what makes our world go round, not money, as the modern man makes it appear. Life for them was the spirit of the community that kept the generations connected to the very Tree of Life from where it all began. Life for them was the breath of God and the daily reality of living in harmony with that breath is what created their community life. So the original black man, having understood that life is golden and precious, he builds his family around it, he builds his community around it, plants his food around it, relates with others based on life, acknowledges the cosmic order etc from the place of harmony with self, others and the unseen spirits. He is not random and foolish enough to think that he can speak about Black Lives Matter, when it is about white supremacy but to keep quiet when it comes to dealing with the rifts, the hate, the violence, the killings and the whole lot of chaos going on within the Black Community. Meaning that when next you as a Black Afrikan or Afrikan American pick that gun or carry that bag of drugs, remind yourself that your life and the lives of your black brothers and sisters matter. Or else we are just deceiving ourselves that Black Lives Matter. How long should the black man be self-deceived?
We are not in competition with the white man like some have made us become, it is not a fight between Afrika and America or Europe, it is a fight of lack of identity and purpose within ourselves. We must resolve that.
Samuel Phillips
To who does the Black Life matter?
I am trying not to misplace my words, for clearly, these are sensitive times. But all the same, what needs to be said just has to be said.
The life of the black man, I believe, should first of all matter to the black man himself. But the question is this, the lives of the black babies that are aborted daily in those abortion clinics, do they matter? The young blacks that die needlessly on the streets of America and in Afrika during gang related wars, do they matter too? Does it matter to anyone or is it that Black lives only matter when it involves the white man? It should not be so. For if that is how we think it to be then we have clearly lost what makes us Blacks.
An Afrikan proverb says that he who must eat a frog, should eat the one with eggs. Simply put, he who must go the journey for change must be ready to change everything along that path.
Our lives as Blacks do matter, but we must know and uphold the simple things that make life worth living.
I do not believe in victimism, which is defined as an acquired personality trait in which a person tends to recognize or consider themselves as a victim of the negative actions of others.
Black Lives do matter, but we must create avenues for love and brotherhood. Create businesses that support blacks. Deliberately create new narratives about better black lives, stop the violence and the madness of competition and do all to support life. We cannot be holding the chicken and chips of the white man with our right hand and then be pointing at him with our left hand as the problem we have. We have to create from what we have the reality and life we want to see. We are not in competition with the white man like some have made us become, it is not a fight between Afrika and America or Europe, it is a fight of lack of identity and purpose within ourselves. We must resolve that.
No one will give us what we truly deserve if we don’t live and think like we already have it with us.
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Samuel Phillips is a writer, graphic designer, photographer, songwriter, singer and a lover of God. As an Afrikan content creator, he is passionate about creating a better image and positive narrative about Afrika and Afrikans. He is a true Afrikan who believes that the true potential of Afrika and Afrikans can manifest through God and accurate collaborations between Afrikans. Afrika is the land of kings, emperors, original wisdom, ancient civilizations, great men and women and not some road-side-aid-begging poor third world continent that the world finds joy in undermining.