Zambia says no to UPOV, Africa says no to GMO Crops

Samuel Phillips is a writer, graphic designer, photographer, songwriter, singer…
There are close to 1.5 billion people or more who call Africa their home. Their Motherland. The majority of these live within the continent and while many others live outside the continent.
History and anthropology have proven over and over again that Africa is the foundation of humanity and home to some of the earliest civilizations in the world. And there are no debates against this. It is also on record that the land of Africa holds some of the most sought-after natural minerals that keep the wheel of this modern world going. The world knows this reality of an Africa that is truly the power behind the modern world, through what she provides to the world. But does the African upon whose back the entire world finds its progressiveness and from whose land the wheel of modernity spins know that he has such power to change the trajectory of the world if he so chooses to rise up and be seen, heard and listened to?
This is a call to you Africans, wherever you may be in the world, to rise up and pay attention to the global chess games going on and how Africa and Africans have become the pawns in the global chess games. It however warms the heart to know that more individual Africans and more African organizations are beginning to step up and take a stand against the global proliferation of Africa with all manner of agendas and propaganda that are deeply inimical to the life, health and survival of the African people. One such inimical agenda is the forceful takeover of Africa’s indigenous food systems and indigenous seeds by the World Trade Organization and its allies of pseudo-farming corporations through the introduction of GMOs and the punitive laws that forbid African farmers from selling or sharing their indigenous seeds. It is outrageously stupid to see our African governments align with these abominable acts against their own people. But the people are rising and are beginning to see the grand plan to take over the global food supply chain by those who think they own the world.
Recently, an organization called Zambia Alliance for Agroecology and Biodiversity, based in Zambia, released a statement that shows their clear stand against UPOV and the punitive seeds laws that WTO is trying to push down the throats of farmers. We did a video on this issue and we hope when you watch the video and understand the term UPOV and what the fight is all about, you will make up your mind to also take a stand and say no to UPOV and the seed laws.
We cannot keep allowing Africa to be the dumping ground for all manner of unnatural tendencies of those who enjoy undermining our collective health and prosperity. Meaning that we must support the pushback by Zambian farmers against UPOV seed laws and GMOs and those individuals and organizations who are sticking out their necks to fight this evil from wiping out Africa’s indigenous food and seed systems. This evil trying to take over Africa, if given room to do so, will not just affect those you might want to call poor, it will affect both the poor who farm in the villages and the rich who like to eat in big restaurants and five-star hotels.
Let me quickly put this here. I want to say this to our young or younger Africans who are training themselves to be potential tech giants of the world, either through software engineering or AI systems or whatever else. We acknowledge your good works and smart minds, but please, remember that no one can eat computer codes or AI platforms or cryptocurrency, even though the proceeds from such ventures can give you enough money to buy whatever kind of food you want. There is one problem though. Who will farm the land that will produce the food you want to buy with your billion dollars? Unless maybe you have made up your mind that you want to eat lab-grown meat or whatever else. So, while you develop your AI skills and tech knowledge, remember to create systems that allow for growing and sustaining of natural organic foods and stop empowering the foolishness called Green Revolution, which is nothing but another inimical agenda to keep Africans groping in the dark global spin that keeps shifting the goal post when it’s time for Africa to finally get its bearings.
And as Chairperson of the African Energy Chamber (AEC), NJ Ayuk puts it “Natural gas is treated as a fossil fuel in Africa, but it’s seen as green energy in Europe…It’s clear discrimination, it’s outrageous and it should not be happening. You can’t have one set of standards for the European and American energy industries and another for the African energy industry.”
So, don’t be the fool who uses his or her knowledge or lack of it to destroy his or her own people just so you receive a pat on the back from those who are known for eugenic tendencies or just so you take part in a photo op. Give your knowledge and strength to anything that gives and sustains life on earth. Anything else is worthless and pure evil. This is 2024, be wise.
Let’s remember the IDPs in the DRC
As we push back against the GMO and seed wars, let’s not forget our brothers and sisters in the DRC who need our help.
We at Msingi Afrika Magazine recently partnered with our friend PD Lawton, who is a regular contributor to this magazine and a supporter in other ways, to create a GoFundMe campaign to help us raise funds for the refugees in Goma IDP camps, in the DRC. We seek your help to make the campaign successful.
Your donation will provide much-needed food, clean water, clothing, blankets, school supplies, and toiletries to the community’s men, women, and children.
Here is how you can help:
When you purchase the book Fathers of Pan-Africanism by Samuel Phillips and PD Lawton, they will donate 10% of their sales to the fund to help the victims of the Goma Refugee Crisis. And you can also make a direct donation to the fund.
To buy the book (ebook):
To make a direct contribution to our GoFundMe:
Let’s give meaning to Pan-Africanism, let’s make Ubuntu work.
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Samuel Phillips is a writer, graphic designer, photographer, songwriter, singer and a lover of God. As an Afrikan content creator, he is passionate about creating a better image and positive narrative about Afrika and Afrikans. He is a true Afrikan who believes that the true potential of Afrika and Afrikans can manifest through God and accurate collaborations between Afrikans. Afrika is the land of kings, emperors, original wisdom, ancient civilizations, great men and women and not some road-side-aid-begging poor third world continent that the world finds joy in undermining.