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Trump: No more aid – What’s really the big deal?


Trump: No more aid – What’s really the big deal?

a volunteer carrying a box of donations

In case you did not know before, be aware now that much of our world is ruled by parasitic systems that prey on the need and lack of others to enrich those behind those systems. We have shared dozens of articles over the years in this magazine pointing at the various ways in which multinationals and the so-called NGOs prey on the gullibility of Africans and get away with it. The recent Trump announcement to defund or stop aid to Africa and also to pull out of WHO has blown the lid off the rottenness that has been going on for decades.

A short while back, one of our very good friends in the US sent us a video talking about the Trump issue, I was the one that got the email, so my response was simple. I wrote back to him:

Yes, we saw the news and even though on the surface the new policy of cutting aid to Africa has its challenges, we also believe it has its good side. I will give two examples.
First, now at least those organizations who are using the so-called US aid as funding for creating terror organizations that are creating chaos and instability in Africa will be defunded to sort extent. And that is a good thing.
Secondly, it’s about time Africans and African nations stand on their own and take care of their people without foreign aid that compromises local policies. You know the old saying, he who pays the piper dictates the tune. America has for years been dictating what happens in the African countries where they send their foreign aid and it’s about time we stop that. So instead of African leaders stealing and stashing their countries’ resources in foreign banks, they should use it for their people and stop depending on aid from the US.

A Facebook post was made by Mohammed Hersi from Mombasa, speaking about Trump pulling out of the WHO. He says:

Trump pulling USA out of WHO. Not good news at all.
Probable effects on Kenya and many other countries. Sectors that are bound to feel the heat.

1. Real estate, those blue zone homes occupied by NGOs funded by US Aid. Westlands.  Runda +++
2. Hotels and Resorts, we host many conference business including business travel.
3. Aviation, ticketing
4. Transport, vehicles on lease & fuel for those vehicles
5. Schools, unemployed parents esp ex-pats who have to return home will have to pull out their kids from the international schools
6. Suppliers to all the organisations that were being funded by USA
7. Health, loads of programme worst will be HIV support system.  ARVs for adults and also the young ones born with the virus
8. Polio may sneak back into the system unrolling all the gains
9. Marburg  and other viruses are happy since there will be no funds to tackle them

African leaders and moreso AU must start putting their house in order . The continued begging has to come to end. Leaders in Africa travel in fuel guzzlers convoys not even the funding organisations are that wasteful.  I call it the Shame of Africa. It’s about time we got serious as a continent.

I also saw a post made by the Nigerian investigative Journalist, David Hundeyin on his X page. He says:

In any case, I know the real reason behind all these lamentations is not because of any HIV patients. HIV patients that nobody cared about last week?

The real reason is that the aid funding freeze has devastated the African NGO industrial complex and its multiple 2021 Hyundai Elantra-driving “conveners” and “program managers” dotting the streets of Garki, Kilimani, and Kololo.

There are people in Abuja and Nairobi who have suddenly found themselves unable to pay their rent and kids’ school fees this January because all US foreign aid disbursement has been frozen. They’re broke from Christmas, and the January tranche of funds was sorely needed for lifestyle expenses.

That’s what all this is really about. Not any f**** HIV patient.

Now, do you see the similarity in both Hersi’s and Hundeyin’s posts? One is in West Africa and the other in the East, but the fact remains that all of Africa is suffering from the same delusion and the white savior complex, which makes us think we need to sell our raw materials to foreign nations at cheap prices so they can favor us in their aid programs. But here comes Trump who cares less about your feelings and expectations.

See Also
person dropping paper on box

What now?

As former Kenyan president, Uhuru Kenyatta, said at the recent East Africa Regional Global Health Security Summit, “I saw some people the other day crying that Trump has removed funding, he is not giving us any more money. Why are you crying? It is not your government; it is not your country. You don’t pay taxes in America. This is a wake-up call for you to say, ‘okay what are we going to do to help ourselves?’ Nobody is going to continue holding out a hand there to give you. It is time for us to use our resources for the right things.”

It is way past time for us to get our African house in order and get down to doing what we should have been doing for the past sixty years. A fool at sixty is no longer a fool but a shameless fool.

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