Msingi Afrika Magazine among Top 35 publications in Afrika

Chioma Phillips is the Editor of Msingi Afrika Magazine and…
FeedSpot, the “Internet’s Largest Human Curated Database of Bloggers and Podcasts” (according to their website), has ranked us – – 28th in their list of Top 35 Africa Magazines and Publications to follow in 2022.
In their introduction to the review they say that these are, “The best Africa magazines from thousands of magazines on the web ranked by traffic, social media followers, domain authority & freshness.” I know we’re not number one on that list (yet), but it is gratifying to have broken through from a measure of anonymity when we first started in 2019 and to, 3 years later, be ranked alongside influential and well known publications with multiplied years of experience, huge teams and deep pockets. It goes to show you what God can do if you just start with what’s in your hand!
To all our contributors and authors please receive our heartfelt thanks for your masterpieces so lovingly shared. To all our readers, near and far, we appreciate you and your time more than you may ever know.
So, here’s to the future of telling the true Afrikan story and transforming hearts and minds, one article at a time.
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Chioma Phillips is the Editor of Msingi Afrika Magazine and the host of Msingi Afrika Television. Her hope is to see the Truth shared, with all who will listen, for the transformation of the people and the continent of Afrika - and the world. She believes passionately in the critical role that Afrika and Afrikans have to play on earth right now and hopes to ignite the spark that will cause them to see and believe who they are, so that they can live out their Truest lives for the remainder of their days.