
Aaron Kokodoko

I’m a 23 year old Pan Africanist who is passionate about the development of Africa and changing the negative narrative of Africa. I believe Unity is the key and that is why I always say UBUNTU - I am, because you are

Abel Merawi

Abel Merawi is from Addis Ababa. He is an English literature teacher, freelance writer/reporter for and an Amharic-English translator and editor. He also writes for You can reach him via:

Abigirl Phiri

Abigirl Phiri is a Ph.D student in commerce, free-lance writer, poet, International Ambassador of Peace, GBV activist, social entrepreneur, talent manager and an international marketer. More of her work can be found on her Facebook Page: Words are forever.

Alliance for Food Security in Africa

The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) is a broad alliance of different civil society actors that are part of the struggle for food sovereignty and agroecology in Africa. These include: African farmers’ organizations, African NGO networks, specialist African NGOs, consumer movements in Africa, international organizations which support the stance of AFSA, and individuals. Its members represent smallholder farmers, pastoralists, hunter/gatherers, indigenous peoples; faith based institutions, and environmentalists from across Africa. It is a network of networks and currently with 30 active members.

Mshauri Agbeko-Kwasi (A.K.) Tosu, f.SHr.

Mshauri A.K. Tosu is a Jegna of Alkebu-Lan who is committed to the health and strength of minds. In the capacities of leadership and education, on the basis of cultural realities, his teachings provide guidance to understanding and implementing transformational solutions in addressing real-life matters impacting people on a personal and collective level. A.K. Tosu, f.SHr., is multi-specialized in sociology, psychology, physiology, linguistics, and philosophy

Akinmayowa Akinkunmi

Born in Benue state of Nigeria. I consider myself an African enthusiast. I enjoy learning and studying everything in relation to my continent. There is a lot of misinformation in regard to Africa. It is my job to clarify and shine a light towards our untold stories.

Alexis Juma

Alexis is the founder and CEO of Kakia Oils, a community-interest agribusiness that celebrates the versatility, potency of plant-based oils from the best of African produce to promote wellness for all. The easy-going, adventurous mother of two struggled with eczema into her young adulthood, which she successfully controlled using botanical oils. When she quit formal employment, she pursued her passion for plant-based oils entrepreneurially. She is Christian, a student of nature and a seasoned Social Development Specialist.

Ajayikehinde Belteshazaar Ametu

He is the Creative Services Director at Prime Specs Wordshop and Chief Editor at El-Berachah Media Channel. He writes from Lagos, Nigeria.

Anselm Adodo

Anselm Adodo is the Director of Africa Centre for Integral Research and Development, Nigeria and founder of Arica's foremost herbal research Institute, the Pax Herbal Clinic and Research Laboratories (Paxherbals). His research interest is Phytomedicine, Taxonomy of African medicinal plants, indigenous knowledge systems, rural community development, Africanized economic models, health policy reform, and education transformation in Africa. Apart from publications in journals, magazines, national dailies and peer-reviewed journals, Anselm has written more than ten books. He is an adjunct visiting lecturer at the Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, an Adjunct Research Fellow of the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research, a Fellow of the Nigerian Society of Botanists, a Research Associate at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa, and an adjunct professor at Morehouse School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Arvy NgalaNgala

Arvy Ngayaka NgalaNgala from Kongo (DRC) is a 26 year old Marketing Specialist at Signori Armadio & Conceum Technologies. He is also the Head at Zola Bantu a platform that awakens the black conscience for the preparation of the 3rd Civilization of a 1,000 years (Millennium) in the heart of Afrika in the time of Aquarius. Arvy doesn't believe in western Education and thus attends the school of life, and currently holds a degree of 26 years on earth.

Ayoola Levites

Ayoola Levites is a Caterer, Food consultant, Recipe developer, and Addicted foodie based on Lagos, Nigeria. Betay's Kitchen is her teaching arena.


The author is a financial writer, and former finance manager and banker. He is also a long-term blogger on banking and finance and a two-time winner of Kenya’s best business blog. He has engaged with several brands to drive the uptake of their financial and investment products in Kenya. He's passionate about capital markets, farming, aviation, and contributes to initiatives that promote African investments, oversight, travel and road safety in Kenya.

Baruti Katembo

Baruti Katembo is a member of the Mathematics Faculty - Florida State College at Jacksonville (United States), Alumnus of North Carolina A&T State University (BSIE; MS-Applied Mathematics) and North Carolina State University (MLArch), Co-author of several books and articles, inclusive of: UWENZI: The Pan-African Factor, A 21st Century View; "Thatched Dwellings, Pan-African Relations and Circularity" and has (Selected) research interests: numeracy, resource usage and sociotechnology. You can reach him at

Brian Clowes

Dr. Brian Clowes has been HLI’s director of research since 1995 and is one of the most accomplished and respected intellectuals in the international pro-life movement. Best known as author of the most exhaustive pro-life informational resource volume The Facts of Life, and for his Pro-Life Basic Training Course, Brian is the author of nine books and over 500 scholarly and popular articles, and has traveled to 70 countries on six continents as a pro-life speaker, educator and trainer.

Buleri Kalume

Buleri is writing from Bukavu, South Kivu, Congo.

Dr. Cecilia Waruhiu

Dr. Cecilia Waruhiu is a director at The Africa Genomics Center and Consultancy, Kenya. She also serves as a consultant in genomics and molecular Biology at the Nextgen Molecular Lab Kenya. She is a genomics expert with a background in microbiology, biochemistry, molecular biology and genetics. Throughout her career, Dr. Cecilia has had a focus on understanding the occurrence of human diseases; including where they come from, how they infect us and cause disease as well as how we can limit their impact on our health and well-being.

Chioma Phillips

Chioma Phillips is the Editor of Msingi Afrika Magazine and the host of Msingi Afrika Television. Her hope is to see the Truth shared, with all who will listen, for the transformation of the people and the continent of Afrika - and the world. She believes passionately in the critical role that Afrika and Afrikans have to play on earth right now and hopes to ignite the spark that will cause them to see and believe who they are, so that they can live out their Truest lives for the remainder of their days.

Dr. Chukwunyere Kamalu

Dr Chukwunyere Kamalu M.Sc(Eng), PhD A professional with an educational and research background in civil engineering and soil conservation, practicing as an accountant (and accounting technician) for over 20 years in the London not-for-profit sector. He worked as a Civil Engineer for the Nigerian Federal Government and is currently serving in the voluntary role of Chair of the Society of African Earth Scientists. Chukwunyere has an amateur interest in number theory and works a finance administrator in London.

David Jones

David M. Jones is a counselor and lecturer at Africa Nazarene University, Nairobi, Kenya.

Omooba Deji Irawo

Deji is a Multi-channel media executive with almost 3 decades experience in the TV broadcast industry, he is also a male resource person with focus on emotional male dysfunction. He is involved in male advocacy in collaboration with various men networks in Nigeria. Deji writes from Lagos, Nigeria.

Dillys Mundrugo

Dillys P. Mundrugo is an ICT consultant with a passion for conducting research and implementation of practical tech solutions for businesses. She is currently involved in rolling out OpenEA instant online store solutions for businesses, a product that enables the setup and management of easy-to-use e-commerce solutions for stores, restaurants and food deliveries.

Dr. Douglas Mboweni

Douglas Mboweni is the current Chief Executive Officer of Econet Wireless Zimbabwe. He was the successor to Econet Founder, Strive Masiyiwa in March 2002 and has been at the company's helm since then. Douglas has more than 20 years of senior management experience in the Information Technology and Telecommunications industry. He was also part of the team that spearheaded Econet's entry into the international mobile markets, including in Botswana, and Nigeria, one of Africa's largest mobile markets. Since taking over, Mboweni has overseen the growth of the largest telecoms company in the country, and one of the largest companies by revenue and profit in Zimbabwe. This is a unique case in Africa, where the leading telecoms company is usually foreign-owned.

Ejuchegahi Angwa

Ejuchegahi A. Angwa is an interdisciplinary scholar of African descent. He believes in the advancement and "remaking" of post-colonial Africa and that Africa can and should take her rightful place in the 21st century and beyond.

Esther Mbugua-Kimemia

Author, menstrual health and endometriosis ambassador, conversation-starter, trainer, wife and mom.

Fannis Mwende

Fannis Mwende is a tiny girl who loves big! A print editor who has been described as an iron fist in a velvet glove. She is the Founder and Chief Editor of Periscope Purview, which offers exceptional editorial and transcription services for the best in the industry. She is married to the good man, Chris, and together they have three beautiful children (Zara, Jezreel and Samara) and a cute dog called Enzi.

Felix M. Edoho

Professor of Business and Management / Director Institute of Entrepreneurship & Business Development, School of Business, Lincoln University, Jefferson City, MO, USA

Fr. Shenan Boquet

Fr. Shenan J. Boquet has served as president of Human Life International since 2011. He was ordained in 1993 as a priest of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux, Louisiana. As HLI’s president, Fr. Boquet collaborates with fellow laborers in the pro-life and family movement in over 80 countries, offering the Sacraments, giving seminars and trainings, appearing on numerous media outlets, and encouraging people of all walks of life to live as faithful advocates for a Culture of Life and Love.

Lawrence Freeman

Lawrence Freeman is a Political-Economic Analyst for Africa, who has been involved in economic development policies for Africa for over 30 years. He is the creator of the blog: Mr. Freeman’s stated personal mission is; to eliminate poverty and hunger in Africa by applying the scientific economic principles of Alexander Hamilton


GRAIN is a small international non-profit organisation that works to support small farmers and social movements in their struggles for community-controlled and biodiversity-based food systems

Herman Muli Bigham

Herman Muli Bigham producer and presenter of over twenty-five (25) exhibitions of AA that have been featured in approx. (45) National publications and on numerous television shows viewed by Over Three million, viewers in (20) cities nationally.


Hilton Tamangani

Founder Director; God Approved Lifestyle Trust. Executive Board Chairman; Chitowa Residence Association Trust. A Vibrant Advocate for Humanitarianism. A Vibrant participant of; The Food Revolution Network. The need to Grow. Soil regeneration.

Isabella Baird

Isabella Baird is a passionate enthusiast for all things natural & healthy for the Mind, Body & Soul. She is committed to help people maximize their full potential mentally, spiritually & physically by imparting knowledge of natural health that she herself has come to gain through her life’s journey. She is a self-taught chef with over 25 years experience in the hospitality industry where she did her training in Denmark as a professional waitress & gained experience from working in 3 star Michelin restaurants. She loves the art of service excellence in all she does & is in her element when serving others whether it is cooking up a delicious storm using readily available natural ingredients that heals the body to helping people pursue their dreams.

Prof. John Kuada

John Kuada is Emeritus Professor of International Management at Aalborg University, Denmark. He holds two doctorate degrees – PhD from Copenhagen Business School in Business Economics, and a higher doctorate (Dr Merc) from Aalborg University in International Business. He has extensive experience as business consultant and training advisor in areas of management, marketing and cross-border inter-firm relations in many European and African countries. He is author and/or editor of 25 books on management. He has also written over 100 articles in scholarly and professional journals on a wide range of international business issues including entrepreneurship, international marketing, intercultural management, leadership and strategy.

Jomo Kwame Sundaram

Jomo Kwame Sundaram was Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development in the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), (Honorary) Research Coordinator for the G24 Intergovernmental Group on International Monetary Affairs and Development and Assistant Director-General and Coordinator for Economic and Social Development at the FAO. In 2007, he was awarded the Wassily Leontief Prize for Advancing the Frontiers of Economic Thought. Jomo has authored over 35 monographs, edited over 50 books and translated 12 volumes besides writing many academic papers and articles for the media.

John Igbokoyi

John Igbokoyi is a 4th year engineering student at the University of Victoria in Canada, where he is majoring in electrical engineering, and minoring in mechanical systems, backed up by courses to strengthen his business acumen. He is involved in the stock market, as well as projects in the aerospace industry, and energy sector. He has spent time studying and understanding applicable knowledge necessary for the sustainable development of the infrastructure and economy of a society, for progress and most importantly socio-economic benefits. He believes that one must at all costs pursue that which they believe they are destined to do; with dedication, focus, and commitment, and the relentless pursuit of all that is good, anything is possible.

John Wills Njoroge

John Wills Njoroge is a psychotherapist and social diagnostician who assists individuals and teams clarify their purpose in life and create a philosophy of their existence and work. He is co-founder of Lead Global Impact, an organization that builds the leadership capacity of primary and high school children and youth in Kenya. He is the author of ‘Father to Son’, a manual designed for fathers to better understand their sons and relate more effectively with them, and ‘Brave Hearts Leadership Program’ a manual that has been used widely to train boys as responsible leaders. Among many other leadership roles, he is consulted and contributes to shaping narratives on youth matters and social justice in Kenya’s mainstream media.

Justice Tawedzegwa Mfiri

Justice Tawedzegwa. J. Mfiri is a pan African cultural advocate, artist and co-founder of the Zimbabwe Institute of African Integration (ZIAI). His work is inspired by the desire to change the narrative on Africa and celebrate the beauty of African cultures in their diversity. Through his work as Founding Secretary to the Zimbabwe Institute of African Integration (ZIAI), Mfiri continues to bear the torch on African Renaissance from a youth perspective, and even more, from a cultural and creative perspective. He can be contacted via his social media, email or at +263 775 754 013

Dr. Jack Githae

Dr. Jack Githae is a professional FAO and UNDP trained and accredited agricultural researcher, practitioner and consultant and a WHO accredited African Traditional medicine researcher, practitioner and consultant.

Keith Lizinde

Keith Lizinde is a 21 year old Pan Africanist who is fighting for a self sustaining Africa that can operate and function on her own. “I believe making Africa self sustainable is a key fight for us as young people and most importantly the next generation.” He says.

Kiraitu Murungi

LLB (Hons) LLM(NB) LLM (Harvard) An advocate of the High Court of Kenya, and the Governor of Meru County, Kenya.

Kyesubire Greigg

A Kenyan visual scribe, storyteller using words and images to connect all aspects of life. She powers from faith to food, health, nature in ways that encourage viewers and readers to find balance in life through its connectivity. PASSION FOR THE ART Passionate about telling HIStory of hope, love and family.

Letter to the Editor

Feedback and powerful insights shared by readers of Msingi Afrika Magazine and viewers of Msingi Afrika TV.

Lorraine Onduru

Lorraine is a Kenyan creative writer living and working in Nairobi. She is passionate about giving an accurate context to her environment, through fiction, poetry or fact.

Maagu Karuri

Maagu Karuri is a software developer with a passion for Afrika. He considers himself a student of Afrikan culture, firmly believing that true emancipation only comes when one practices their own culture. He is constantly researching different aspects of day-to-day in order to obtain a holistic Afrikan mind.

Massud Ibrahim Seidu

A 23-year-old Ghanaian Pan-Africanist, computer scientist, fashion consultant and stylist and lover of African art striving to see Africa Great Again with the help of my Pan-African family (JABALI-INDABA). African unity, organizing and educating ourselves with the true African culture and heritage that makes us unique is what I’m fighting for. I want to see a self-sustaining and self-reliant Africa. Having a distinguished continent that an outsider will say “I’m going to Africa for greener pastures because opportunities aren’t here” is what I’m envisioning. I’m not stopping, won’t stop, I’m passing it on till the right is done!

Mbaria wa Mbaria

I am a freelance journalist and co-author of 'The Big Conservation Lie' book.

Ronald Mbiu

I offer sustainable design and construction services as a construction project manager and quantity surveyor. I focus on using sustainable materials for building. You can reach me at

Mercy Chege Omari

Mercy is a wife and mommy of 3: one amazing boy here and two boys in heaven. If not writing or playing with her son Manuel, you'll find her wherever people are: talking, encouraging, sharing a meal and having a good laugh! She is a media professional and counselling psychologist who seamlessly combines her passion for communication and her desire to encourage people. Through her writing, she aims to share her faith, wisdom and insights gained from her diverse background and lived experience offering readers a fresh perspective on healing. She is the author of the book “Hope for a Grieving Heart” and leads support groups for women who are going through child loss. Join her on her mission to inspire and uplift through her words. Her Social Media handles are @mercysmiley on Instagram and Mercy Chege Omari on Facebook.

Medina Sy

I am a lover of all the diverse african dances and music. I am a social worker. I am in search of truth I am of German-Senegalese origin. I am always learning. I want to share and exchange knowledge. I believe that education is the key. I believe in the power of african unity. I believe that Africa is the future and the place to be.

Memory Phiri

Memory Phiri is a Travel and recreation consultant who has vast experience in the tourism industry. She also is a free-lance writer in addition to being a sustainable activist. You can get in touch with her on

Michael Nyawire

Is a practicing Kenyan journalist who is passionate about telling African stories that demonstrate its universal prowess. I aspire to be an influential and established financial coach, which will well help me educate my fellow Africans on reasonable practices that would ensure economic soundness and sanity for Africa. I write as a hobby and as a profession. I'm typically an Africanist championing for a better Africa today and in the days ahead.

Mfuniselwa Bhengu

Dr. Bhengu is an Independent Researcher on Afrikan philosophy, Afrikology and Egyptology. He is an established and experienced author, self-publisher and managing director of Phindela Publishing Group & Editor-in-Chief of INQABA Journal, a quarterly publication that specializes on Afrikology. He describes himself as an Afrikan of Nguni (Zulu) extraction, but then a global citizen. Black, but being in total fusion with the world, in sympathetic affinity with the Earth... “I am black not because of a curse, but because my skin has been able to capture all cosmic eluvia. I am truly a drop of the sun under the earth.” He says.

Michelle Llamas

Michelle Llamas has been writing articles and producing podcasts about drugs, medical devices and the FDA for nearly a decade. Michelle collaborates with experts, including board-certified doctors, patients and advocates, to provide trusted health information to the public.

Prof. Madei Mangori

Madei Mangori has over 36 years of experience as an organizational and management development expert in Southern Africa mainly based in Gaborone Botswana. He turned academic in 2015 after obtaining a PhD in Business Management from Aldersgate College in the Philippines. He has published a book and co-authored another. All are available on Amazon. He is a founding member of Mentoring African Research Network ( He is also the co-ordinator for business and contextual ministry and is currently leading the team working for the accreditation of Botswana Bible Training Institute into a multi-disciplinary tertiary institution operating in four countries in Southern Africa.

Dr. Peter Mokaya

Dr. Peter Mokaya is the Director/CEO of Organic Consumers Alliance, Kenya.

Norbert Mporoto

Norbert Mporoto is a Tanzanian Freelance Writer, Editor, Translator and Poet. He composes poems of all kinds and writes novels and short stories. He also writes articles on several contemporary issues. Norbert is also skilled in the preparation of Business Plans, Project Proposals, Memorandums for Companies, Educational research and reports. You can reach Norbert at:


Author and administrator of Gĩkũyũ Centre for Cultural Studies, Kĩgongona kĩa Ũũgĩ wa Bũrũri Witũ. A modern Gĩkũyũ Shaman and Priest after the order of Melchizedek. A Mũnjirũ wa Mbarĩ ya Kĩragũ.

Dr. Mae-Wan Ho

Mae-Wan Ho, B. Sc. Hon. (First Class) and Ph. D. Hong Kong University, Director of Institute of Science in Society ( was best known for pioneering work on the physics of organisms and sustainable systems presented especially in The Rainbow and the Worm, The Physics of Organisms (1993, 1998, 2008) and Living Rainbow H2O (2012), and for which she was awarded the 2014 Prigogine Medal. A prominent critic of neo-Darwinism and genetic determinism, Mae-Wan was among the first to warn of the dangers of genetic modification in Genetic Engineering Dream or Nightmare? (1997, 1998, 1999, reprint with extended introduction, 2007). She was frequently asked to advice governments, non-government organizations and international agencies and to speak on a range of issues including GMOs, sustainable agriculture, circular economy, and renewable energies. A visual artist as well as scientist, Mae-Wan curated and exhibited in two art/science/music festivals, the latest (Colours of Water, 2013) to raise public awareness on the depletion and pollution of water resources, and the importance of conservation and sustainable use. She published more than 170 scientific papers, 16 books, and over 700 popular articles across the disciplines.

Natasha Fuyane

Natasha Fuyane is a writer and podcaster. Natasha provides social & political commentary on African issues.

Nduku Musyimi-Mulumba

Nduku Mulumba is a Kenyan born activist, writer, podcaster, and analyst. As a writer and podcaster she covers topics related to Afrika and Afrikans. Nduku is committed to reviving and preserving African culture through her writing and podcasting. She covers a variety of topics related to the Black Community, including neo-colonialism, education, farming, Afrikan languages, Afrikan fashion, among many other topics.

Nicholas Munyororo

Organic Farmer/ Green Energy Expert A father, a husband and a son of God. He runs Viro Mental Ltd, a renewable energy and organic farming business. He ran a Solar and power solutions business for the last 12 years. In 2013 He answered God’s call to be a farmer and embarked on a learning process that has led to him seeking to be a qualified trainer in Farming Gods Way. PASSION FOR THE ART I love farming and green energy I am passionate about doing it in God’s way.

Njeri Muchunu

Njeri is an authentic, courageous and trustworthy Leadership Curator i.e. Coach, Teacher & Speaker. She takes Leaders on a coaching journey of rediscovering themselves and as a result they get clarity on their Purpose and are Transformed from Leaders into Agents of Change.

Nomkhumbi Mkhize

Nomkhumbi Mkhize is a Canadian-born South African with a Zulu background. While studying to be an herbalist for over ten years, she became a certified medicinal herb farmer in 2020. She has achieved her certificate as a Doula with the Nesting Doula Collective specialising in BIPOC women and babies. She is now studying to be an acupuncturist with the desire and intention of creating a holistic healing clinic in the future. In conjunction with her current skills and experiences, she plans to bring health and wellness to her community. She is currently residing in Victoria, British Columbia Canada with her son.

Ọládélé Dosunmu

Passionate about seeing the Alkebulan of my dream emerge. I am unapologetically African. We are building the Emerging Alkebulan. Titles don't matter. Disrupting the status quo. Thought provoker. Pan African to the core.

Olisaeloka P. Okocha Jr

Olisaeloka PJ Okocha is a life-long learner and entrepreneur, and committed to Pan-African unity and building a self-sufficient continent through agricultural innovation. A window into his mind can be found on his twitter handle @PJOkocha

Naomi Kamau

Naomi is a writer and a much sought-after Swahili tutor who loves helping students of all ages and enjoys the challenge and reward of hearing them speak Swahili with confidence.

Omordia Efe Alexandra

Omordia Efe Alexandra is a Behavior Specialist /Consultant and can be reached on

The Organic Guy

Hi, Am The Organic Guy and welcome to my world! I envision a world where mankind is living a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, Organically. I have now made it my mission to ensure you are upto date on information, News and Trends in the organic world, to empower you to make informed decisions with matters regarding organic.

PD Lawton

PD Lawton is a South African writer and researcher, committed to the restoration of Africa to its rightful place in the world.

Robert Macharia

Robert Macharia is a mentor, trainer and writer bearing adequate experiences in business development and brand management success.

Robert Mwangi

Robert Mwangi is the Author of the book DOLLAR ALTAR. He is a Clinician with Bachelor of Science in Nursing and also holds an MBA in Finance.

Ronald Elly Wanda

He is a transdisciplinary scholar interested in restorative cultural practices as well as the role indigenous knowledge systems play in the administration of justice in Africa. Educated at Stanmore, he read Politics at Middlesex for his undergraduate degree and Human Rights for his postgraduate at Bickbeck College. He holds two further postgraduate degrees in Ethics and in Public Administration from Nairobi. Wanda is very interested in how knowledge is generated and applied in relation to community development. His current research interests cover: Restorative democracy in Eastern Africa; Afrikology; Community Sites of Knowledge and Indigenous knowledge systems; Epistemology, Ethics and Culture.

Rutendo Matinyarare

Rutendo Bereza Matinyarare was born in Zimbabwe but he lives in South Africa. He studied marketing and project management, but now works as a full time Afrikan social engineer. His life's creed is captured in his words: "As a man I seek to die having fulfilled my destiny to humanity, not having consumed much.” He is the founder of Frontline Strat Marketing Consultancy.

Samuel Phillips

Samuel Phillips is a writer, graphic designer, photographer, songwriter, singer and a lover of God. As an Afrikan content creator, he is passionate about creating a better image and positive narrative about Afrika and Afrikans. He is a true Afrikan who believes that the true potential of Afrika and Afrikans can manifest through God and accurate collaborations between Afrikans. Afrika is the land of kings, emperors, original wisdom, ancient civilizations, great men and women and not some road-side-aid-begging poor third world continent that the world finds joy in undermining.

Sherry Alvarez

Sherry Alvarez is a freelance writer and researcher with a keen interest in primary and secondary education. She is passionate about early literacy and aims to keep people well-informed about the latest teaching trends. When she's not working on a new piece, Sherry enjoys volunteering at her local community shelter.

Shibero Akatsa

Shibero Akatsa is a certified Clinical Psycotherapist, cultural enthusiast and creative artist.

Solomon Kibiriye

Solomon Kibriye is an Ethiopian American who currently lives in New York City. He writes on historic topics and runs the Tarik Amba Podcast and Videocast on Ethiopian History and Culture. He can be reached on and also on this Facebook page

Msingi Afrika Team

Passionate about getting God's message concerning Afrika and the end times to the world, in order to heal, restore and rebirth Afrika to her true purpose and destiny in God.

Sylvia Miloyo Kuria

Sylvia Kuria is an organic farmer in Kenya who founded Sylvia’s Basket and is an IFOAM – Organics International ambassador who has conducted workshops to teach women and other smallholder farmers how to grow food organically.

Tawanda Mupatsi

Tawanda Mupatsi is a freelance journalist from Zimbabwe who has an interest in highlighting stories around the arts and culture . He can be reached at:

Dr Tony Bradley

Dr. Tony Bradley is a Business Sustainability lecturer, Social Enterprise & Innovation at Liverpool Hope University, and Centre Director, Social and Economic Action Research Centre (SEARCH) at Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool, UK.

Timothy A. Wise

Timothy A. Wise is senior advisor at the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy and author of Eating Tomorrow: Agribusiness, Family Farmers, and the Battle for the Future of Food.

Upenyu Majee

Upenyu Majee is Program Manager - Ubuntu Dialogues Project at Michigan State University, Faculty Lead - Reeves Scholars Program at Michigan State University, Co-convener of Decoloniality Dialogues and Joint PhD holder in Educational Policy Studies and Development Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. You can reach him at

Vinnie Rotondaro

Vinne Rotondaro is NCR national correspondent.

Walter Owaga

Walter is the Managing Partner and Senior Legal Consultant at Owaga and Associates Advocates. Walter has over 12 years of broad experience in Commercial Litigation, Corporate Law, Legal Advice, Intellectual Property, Legal Research, Legal Writing, Corporate Governance, Civil Litigation, Legal Compliance, Due Diligence, Employment Law, Mediation, among others.

Wan Manan Muda

Professor Wan Manan Muda is Visiting Professor at Alma Ata University in Jogjakarta, Indonesia. He was Professor of Public Health and Nutrition at Universiti Sains Malaysia, and long active in Malaysian university reform efforts.

Wanyama Ogutu

Mr. Wanyama Ogutu is a scholar in the Master of Arts (Fine Arts) program at Kenyatta University. He is also a practicing visual artist specializing in drawing, painting, and sculpture within, Nairobi, Kenya. He focusing in Painting with its’ philosophy, education and extension to Africa contemporary Art. Most of his artworks focus on interaction, environment, and education. Wanyama has a passion for fine art research; its philosophy, development, and relevance. He writes on profound academic topics, where he has presented and published in international journals and conferences around the world. He is a consultant in innovation and creative strategy on issues affecting our society. He is currently a part-time teacher at some TVET institutes within Nairobi.

Zinyanga Learnmore

Zinyanga Learnmore is a Zimbabwean Freelance Journalist and educationist. He is interested in highlighting stories around African Politics and Arts and Culture. You can reach him at