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Ethiopia’s Endemic Six


Ethiopia’s Endemic Six

Ethiopia is one beautiful and amazing country. The Msingi Afrika Magazine crew rates Ethiopia as their favorite country in Africa. Known for her beautiful and rich history, its easy to think Ethiopia is only about ancient monuments, but no, she is also a home for animals that are endemic to Ethiopia, meaning they are not found anywhere else in the world. We give you six out of the many.

The Mountain Nyala

The Mountain Nyala (Ye Dega Agazen or Gadamsa)
The spiral-horned Mountain Nyala is unique to the Oromia region of Ethiopia and, it is thought, is likely to be a type of kudu. Like their name suggests, they tend to dwell at high altitudes of between 9,800ft to over 13,000ft, while sometimes being found at altitudes of 5,900ft. For their own safety, their young remain hidden, with their mothers coming to them to nurse from time to time. Later, when they are more confident on their feet, they come out into the open more.

Gelada Monkey

The Gelada Monkeys or ‘Bleeding heart’ monkeys
Another unique, Ethiopia-only animal. The Geladas are also known as the ‘bleeding heart’ monkey because of their uniquely designed chest area. These lion-maned primates are omnivores and, according to one source, are the last grass eating primates on earth. They keep a close watch for predators and sound an alarm that’s beneficial to all who have an ear to hear. Dining together by day, and huddling together by night in the very cold – even icy – highlands they make their home.

Simien Fox

The Simien Fox or Ethiopian Wolf
The Simien Fox is found both in northern and southern Ethiopia, in drastically reducing numbers due to poaching and shrinking habitat. This long legged carnivore feeds on a particular rodent and lives exclusively on high mountain plateaus. They have reddish fur, which grows long in the winter months and is shorter in the summer.

Walia Ibex

The Walia Ibex (Ethiopian Ibex, Abyssina Ibex)
The Walia Ibex are found only in Ethiopia’s Simien Mountains, to the north of the country. They are the most rare out of all the endemic six. They dine along grassy plateaus, cliffs and steep slopes also at high altitudes, where they mingle with the Gelada Monkeys, utilizing the primates as an early warning system for predators. The males have huge semi-circular horns, while the females carry a more delicate arch.

Known as Korkay in Amharic, this hartebeest dwindled from huge populations in the past due to disease and excessive hunting and is now endangered due to poaching. Whereas they once roamed Somalia and Ethiopia, they are now endemic to the latter. and are more commonly found in the dry lowlands towards the south. The horns are carried by both the male as well as the female of the species.

See Also

Menelik’s Bushbuck (Dukula)
Menelik’s Bushbuck can be found in fairly widespread locations in Ethiopia. They are nocturnal and rather shy and very beautiful with striking white markings contrasting their darker fur. The long spiral horns are only found on the male. They belong to the same family as the Mountain Nyala, the Bongo and the Eland.

When God gave man all of creation to have dominion over, He gave dominion as an aspect of Himself. Dominion however, is not in any way a forceful imposition of self-will on creation or on others. It is the expression of the love of God from the heart of man and by it should all mankind live and treat others. That man has turned creation to merchandise for making money through tourism does not make it God’s plan. We must treat all men and all creation with love and love alone. Send us your thoughts:

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