In the News

Passionate about getting God's message concerning Afrika and the end…
In South Africa, Xenophobic violence again broke out against immigrants, primarily Nigerians in September, following earlier attacks in 2008 and 2015, indicating that whatever is at the heart of the issues around immigrants and unemployment have not been dealt with.

Through it all, a voice resounded throughout South Africa and Afrika as Julius Malema urged his countrymen to stop, rebuking them for their poor choices and asking Nigerians for forgiveness for what they had done. Thank God for his voice and his wisdom in how he used it. We can overemphasize that for Afrika to rise, we must rise as individuals above everything that has undermined our brotherhood.
This one is almost too heartbreaking to write. A baby was born, determined to be a stillborn, a death certificate written. Then the baby showed signs of life, but was stored in a fridge, by doctors until he died because a death certificate had already been issued.

The doctors are now facing murder charges. This story is a grim illustration of what the world is tending towards.
Paperwork has been deemed to supersede life. Human life has no value to many people across the world, because they prefer to protect their own conveniences. Billions of babies aborted, families murdered through senseless wars, rivers and lakes conceal human bodies, babies and adults, murdered at the altar of self preservation and greed. And the world keeps ticking on instead of screeching to a halt and calling, “Crisis!”
Made in Afrika. Afrika’s first smartphone manufacturing plant was launched in October in Rwanda. The Mara Phone is part of the Made in Rwanda initiative launched by the government.

Our take? God is highlighting that all things are possible for Afrika, and has taken a country that has decided to focus on building to illustrate what’s possible and what happens if we determine to make it happen. It is possible to move beyond making excuses and political game blames and do something positive for Afrika. Our question is… what has God placed in your heart to be and to do? Have you begun?

Tyler Perry recently launched his multi-million dollar studio in Georgia. Situated on a 330 acres of historic land on the decommissioned, Fort McPherson Army base, Tyler Perry Studios is poised to become one of the largest motion picture studios in the U.S. The former army base was also a former concentration camp for almost about 3.5 Million Negroes, but now completely owned by one Negro. The power of an empowered Afrikan.

34 year old Eliud Kipchoge is described as the ‘greatest marathoner of the modern era’. He has won 12 of 13 marathons he has entered. In 2018, he broke the previous world record by 1 minute and 18 seconds, the greatest improvement in a world record since 1967! This set the tone for the INEOS 1:59 Challenge where he aimed to run a sub-2hr marathon, which he did on 12th October 2019 proving his own belief that “no human is limited”. Eliud, whose first name means, “My God is Majestic” (ref Abarim Publications) also set two new Guinness World Records through his achievement. Then he very quietly returned home.
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Passionate about getting God's message concerning Afrika and the end times to the world, in order to heal, restore and rebirth Afrika to her true purpose and destiny in God.